The client ID should represent a single business entity. There could be a situation where a nursing home is the master client and it has several client codes for each wing/floor.
In this case, there would be multiple FO_Clients table records, each record with the same Client_ID value and a different unique Code value.
There should not be a single client with multiple codes.
Field | Type | Notes |
Code |
varchar(50) |
Enter a unique code. |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Name or description for this client. |
Type |
varchar(50) |
Client type. Used to categorize the client. Informational |
Number |
varchar(50) |
Permanent account number for this client. Enter an alphanumeric value. Enter ASK to have the system prompt for an account number. |
Add1 |
varchar(80) |
First address line. |
Add2 |
varchar(80) |
Second address line. |
City |
varchar(50) |
City |
St |
varchar(50) |
State |
ZipCode |
varchar(50) |
Zip code |
Tel |
varchar(50) |
Phone number |
Fax |
varchar(50) |
Fax number |
DefLocCode |
varchar(50) |
Default location code for client. Used to map a location code if the FO_Client_Locs table does not map the client to any location. |
varchar(50) |
Client's UPIN, the unique physician identification number. Informational |
Client_ID |
int |
ID field, a counter. Unique |
Freq_Ct_Tests |
int |
Represents the failure count for the number of tests. Enter an integer. Used in LMRP calculations to fail a test for FREQUENCY at client level. |
SO_Review_Days |
int |
Number of days since the collection date to expire a standing order. Enter an integer for the number of days. Overrides the system-level value. |
EntryGroupCode |
varchar(50) |
Enter a valid entry group code. |
InquiryGroupCode |
varchar(50) |
Enter a valid inquiry group code. |
FacilityID |
varchar(50) |
Enter a valid facility ID. |
Active |
varchar(50) |
Determines if client code is active and if it should be excluded from searches. Enter 0 or 1 1 = client entry is active, include in searches 0 = client entry is not active, exclude from searches |
LabPopup |
varchar(255) |
Message displayed on screen to lab users when this client is selected on the order screen. Enter message to display. |
ClientPopup |
varchar(255) |
Message displayed on screen to client users when this client is selected on the order screen. Enter message to display. |
AutoOrderTests |
varchar(255) |
Defines the list of tests to automatically order. Multidimensional pipe delimited value, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter valid order codes separated by pipes. These tests will automatically be ordered when the first order is placed on the order screen. |
MPIQualifier |
varchar(50) |
Enter a valid MPI Qualifier code. This code may be assigned to the Client Pt ID field on the order screen if one is not specified. To uniquely identify a MRN, there needs to be an MRN concatenated with something to identify the pool where the MRN came from since the list of numbers for MRN could duplicate. The system creates a format of MRN;MPI Properties are assigned to the MPI Qualifier so that those accessions / patients function a certain way. If the user enters '1234' in the Client Pt ID field, the system will append ';thisvalue'. If the user enters '1234;thisvalue', nothing would be assigned by the system but the value after the semicolon would be validated to ensure it matches the expected entry. |
ClientUserLocGroup |
varchar(50) |
Assigned Group Code. Enter a valid group code. A permission driven rule which validates the patient location assigned to an order based on the client ID. The system will match this code and the user location to entries in the FO_ClientUserLoc table when the Exit button on the order screen is clicked. If there is no match, the patient location field is cleared and a message displayed to select a different patient location. |
DefaultBillTo |
varchar(50) |
Default Bill To option. Enter a valid billto option. The value must exactly match a value that appears in the Bill To drop-down list. Rule is executed when a client is selected for an order and is used to override the default bill to value on an order. Often used to override the bill to and change it from 'Insurance' to 'Client'. |
ClientVisitNumber |
varchar(50) |
Default client visit number, the clients external billing number, for an order. Use 'ASK' to allow user to enter a value on the order screen. Rule executes when the client is selected for an order. |
ClientVisitNumberMask |
varchar(50) |
Edit mask for client visit number. Enter allowed edit mask characters. # = numeric character @ = Alpha character The client visit number entered on the order screen will be validated against the edit mask when the field is exited. If the entered value fails the mask, the value is not accepted and the user is prompted to reenter. A hint displays the format required for the field. Does setting a mask and or the value ASK in the CVN field above make the CV# a required field on the order screen? |
MasterClientID |
varchar(50) |
Used to group multiple client IDs to a single master client ID. Enter a valid master client ID. |
Territory |
varchar(50) |
Client sales territory. Enter a valid sales territory. Informational |
SalesRep |
varchar(50) |
Client sales person. Enter a valid sales person. Informational |
CustomerServiceRep |
varchar(50) |
Client service rep. Enter a valid service rep. Informational |
ContactName |
varchar(80) |
Contact name for the client. |
Mnemonic |
varchar(50) |
Second, searchable, identifier for the client. Enter a mnemonic ID for the client. This field is included when searching for a client on the order screen. |
MandatoryReqID |
varchar(50) |
Determines if requisition ID value is mandatory on the order screen. Enter 0 or 1 0 = req id is not mandatory 1 = req id must be entered, it is mandatory |
Country |
varchar(50) |
Country for address |
DefaultFacilityID |
varchar(50) |
Default facility ID. Enter a valid facility ID. Used by interfaces if no facility ID is provided in message. |
RptTriggerSubscriptionID |
varchar(50) |
Used with RRE Reporting tool. Should be valid subscription as defined in CSTools. |
varchar(80) |
Client email address. |
Pager |
varchar(80) |
Client pager number. |
InsuranceAgeToExclude |
int |
Determines if insurance update is needed based on days since patient verified. Enter an integer for the number of days. Update insurance if it is more than this number of days since the patient was verified. Used by CDC interface to determine if insurance information from the client should update central patient. |
PerformingLabGroups |
varchar(500) |
Defines the list of performing lab group codes used in the performing lab location calculation for a test. Multidimensional pipe delimited value, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter valid performing lab group codes separated by pipes. This represents a grouping code function for clients, it is a way to group client codes so it is not necessary to enter every client code in the performing lab rules. |
StandingOrderComment |
varchar150 |
Client-specific comment on the standing order schedule screen. Enter the text to display as a comment. Can be used to remind the user of client-specific requests. |
TDC_In_Interfaces |
varchar(255) |
Interface code for Trusted Data Concentrator inbound interface. Enter a valid interface code. Code is used by FAST to write to the trigger table. Must match what is expected for interface to function. |
TDC_Out_Interfaces |
varchar(255) |
Interface code for Trusted Data Concentrator outbound interface. Enter a valid interface code. Code is used by FAST to write to the trigger table. Must match what is expected for interface to function. |
CDC_In_Interfaces |
varchar(255) |
Interface code for Client Data Concentrator inbound interface. Enter a valid interface code. Code is used by FAST to write to the trigger table. Must match what is expected for interface to function. |
CDC_Out_Interfaces |
varchar(255) |
Interface code for Client Data Concentrator outbound interface. Enter a valid interface code. Code is used by FAST to write to the trigger table. Must match what is expected for interface to function. |
FINCompanyCode |
varchar(50) |
Default FIN company code. Enter valid FIN company code. Instructs the billing interface to substitute this value when sending billing demographics so patients file into the correct FIN company. |
DoNotMapProviders |
bit |
Bit field to determine if FO_Client_Provs mapping is used for drop-down on order screen. Enter 0 or 1 0 = mapping is not used 1 = mapping is used Does not apply to Search screen. FO_Client_Provs table defines the relationship between a client and a provider. If this value is set to 1, the user sees relationships prebuilt in that table, it is meant to help make it easier to pick the right physician. |
ReqId_ToolTip |
varchar(50) |
Tooltip for ReqID on order screen when user hovers over the field. Enter a short message for display. |
CV_ToolTip |
varchar(50) |
Tooltip for client visit number on order screen when user hovers over the field. Enter a short message for display. |
ClientPtId_ToolTip |
varchar(50) |
Tooltip for client PTID on order screen when user hovers over the field. Enter a short message for display. |
LabRegionCode |
varchar(50) |
Region code associating this client with a lab organization region. Enter a valid region code. |
LabDivisionCode |
varchar(50) |
Division code associating this client with a lab organization company division. Enter a valid division code. |
LabSubDivisionCode |
varchar(50) |
Sub-division code associating this client with a lab organization company sub-division. Enter a valid sub-division code. |
LabCode |
varchar(50) |
Lab that normally services this client. Enter a valid lab code. |
SourceSystem |
varchar(50) |
The system/vendor/version ID for with this client. Enter valid system/vendor/version ID. Connects to the organization source system definitions. |
BillFeeSchedule |
varchar(80) |
Default fee schedule code for this client when this is the ordering client. Enter a valid fee schedule code. |
BillingOption |
varchar(80) |
Default billing option code for the default client fee schedule code when this is the ordering client Enter a valid billing option code. |
IsIndustrialTox |
bit |
Bit flag to determine if this client is valid for Industrial Tox workflow. Enter 0, 1, or skip this entry 0 or skip this entry = client code is not valid for Industrial Tox workflow 1 = client code is valid for Industrial Tox workflow |
ClientSpotLightFlag |
bit |
Bit flag to determine if this client is a spotlight client (flag is added to order screen components). Enter 0, 1, or skip this entry 0 or skip this entry = client code is not a spotlight client 1 = client code is a spotlight client |